5. Secretariat
According to the rules and regulations of IMC Union, the IMC Union Secretariat is the highest executive unit of IMC Union. Currently it is located in Beijing, China, working together with the IMC China Secretariat.
Besides the IMC union Secretariat, each IMC member country (or region) also has its own Secretariat. It is complied with the IMC Council and responsible for the local organization and implementation of the annual work from IMC Union. It also assists to organize and select students to participate in the IMC international mathematics contest annually. |
①=@ |
Singapore: Jetwings Institution
Email: cecilia①jetwingsgroup.com |
Philippines: Mathematics Trainers’ Guild (Philippines)
Website: www.mtgphil.org
Email: anthony59ang①yahoo.com |
India: City Montessori School Lucknow, India
Website: www.cmseducation.org
Email: info①cmseducation.org |
Indonesia: Mathematics Education Clinic
Website: www.kpmseikhlasnya.com
Email: prmipa①yahoo.com |
Chinese Mainland:
Website: www.imcchina.cn
E-mail: imc01①126.com |
China Hong Kong: Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad School
Website: www.hkmos.org
Email: general①hkmos.org |
Chinese Taipei:International Mathematical Enterprise, LTD
Website: www.imcct.net/
Email:mail①imcct.net |
Malaysia:E Mathematics Olympiad System
Website: www.emos.com.my
E-mail: emosyee①gmail.com |
South Korea:korea originality personality education
Website: www.imce.kr
Email: chocw①paran.com |
Thailand:Pratabong Academy
Email:pratabong.academy①hotmail.com |
E-mail:imc.iran①yahoo.com |
Vietnam:Archimedes Academy
E-mail:minhnv①aschool.edu.vn |
Australia:5D College
E-mail:jarod①5Dcollege.com.au |
Sri Lanka:Provincial Department of Education Eastern Province (Sri Lanka)
E-mail:maths①edudept.ep.gov.lk |
Kazakhstan:Mathematics Academy MA
E-mail:lst10011001①gmail.com |